

Gulf Oil Spill/WormWood: Those who evacuate now will have a greater chance at survival

Gulf Oil Spill/WormWood: Those who evacuate now will have a greater chance at survival

Those who evacuate now will have a greater chance at survival

Gulf chemicals killing humans

"Independent investigative journalist Dahr Jamail stated that the air was so chemically laden that you could smell and TASTE chemicals in the air! Headaches and shortness of breath have been reported by hundreds of people, yet we are still being told that the air quality is safe," reports Alex Thomas of IntelHub.
Many people say choosing to leave the poisoned Gulf area, where air, food and water is contaminated, "is a personal choice," and "People have free will." Disinformation is a weapon of war to control the enemy. When mainstream news media is prevented access to the Gulf coast and workers or broadcasts government propaganda based on disinformation, it suppresses truth to control populations in need and those who could help. Free will is, therefore, no longer operational. Such is the power of advanced brainwashing, now refined into mind control. No population is immune to mind control targeting.   News From The Gulf