Those who evacuate now will have a greater chance at survival
Gulf chemicals killing humans
"Independent investigative journalist Dahr Jamail stated that the air was so chemically laden that you could smell and TASTE chemicals in the air! Headaches and shortness of breath have been reported by hundreds of people, yet we are still being told that the air quality is safe," reports Alex Thomas of IntelHub.
Many people say choosing to leave the poisoned Gulf area, where air, food and water is contaminated, "is a personal choice," and "People have free will." Disinformation is a weapon of war to control the enemy. When mainstream news media is prevented access to the Gulf coast and workers or broadcasts government propaganda based on disinformation, it suppresses truth to control populations in need and those who could help. Free will is, therefore, no longer operational. Such is the power of advanced brainwashing, now refined into mind control. No population is immune to mind control targeting. News From The Gulf
"Independent investigative journalist Dahr Jamail stated that the air was so chemically laden that you could smell and TASTE chemicals in the air! Headaches and shortness of breath have been reported by hundreds of people, yet we are still being told that the air quality is safe," reports Alex Thomas of IntelHub.
Many people say choosing to leave the poisoned Gulf area, where air, food and water is contaminated, "is a personal choice," and "People have free will." Disinformation is a weapon of war to control the enemy. When mainstream news media is prevented access to the Gulf coast and workers or broadcasts government propaganda based on disinformation, it suppresses truth to control populations in need and those who could help. Free will is, therefore, no longer operational. Such is the power of advanced brainwashing, now refined into mind control. No population is immune to mind control targeting. News From The Gulf
BP dispersant likened to 'Agent Orange'
BP's use of chemicals to disperse the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill has become a source of concern for the US, with lawmakers warning of another "Agent Orange" scandal.
Agent Orange is the codename for one of the herbicides and defoliants used by the US military in its herbicidal warfare program during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971.
According to Vietnam Red Cross as many as 3 million Vietnamese people have been affected by Agent Orange including at least 150,000 children born with birth defects.§ionid=3510203
Agent Orange is the codename for one of the herbicides and defoliants used by the US military in its herbicidal warfare program during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971.
According to Vietnam Red Cross as many as 3 million Vietnamese people have been affected by Agent Orange including at least 150,000 children born with birth defects.§ionid=3510203
Water “sample exploded” when chemist tested for oil
More than a week has passed since Alabama’s beaches have seen significant oil… Some swimmers are taking their chances.
News Five collected samples of water and sand from Orange Beach, Gulf Shores, Katrina Key and Dauphin Island.
The Effects of Corexit
As previously noted, Corexit is toxic, is less effective than other dispersants, and is actually worsening the damage caused by the oil spill. Now, two toxicologists are saying that Corexit is much more harmful to human health and marine life than we’ve been told. Specifically Gulf toxicologist Dr. Susan Shaw – Founder and Director of the Marine Environmental Research Institute – dove into the oil spill to examine the chemicals present. Dr. Shaw told CNN: If I can tell you what happens — because I was in the oil — to people… Shrimpers throwing their nets into water… [then] water from the nets splashed on his skin. [He experienced a] headache that lasted 3 weeks… heart palpitations… muscle spasms… bleeding from the rectum… And that’s what that Corexit does, it ruptures red blood cells, causes internal bleeding, and liver and kidney damage. … This stuff is so toxic combined… not the oil or dispersants alone. … Very, very toxic and goes right through skin.
The Effects of Corexit
The Effects of Corexit
BP Coincidence, Or Are The "Gods" Playing Games With Us?
BP board game foreshadows Gulf disaster: LONDON -- An obscure BP-themed board game in which players aim to avoid rig disasters has become an unexpected hit at a British toy museum. BP Offshore Oil Strike was released in the early 1970s and allows up to four players to explore for oil, build platforms and construct pipelines. The first player to earn $120,000,000 wins. Its "hazard cards" include "Blow-out! Rig damaged. Oil slick clean-up costs. Pay $1million." BP announced Monday that it has spent $3.12 billion dealing with the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The game was recently donated to the House on the Hill Toy Museum in Stansted, Essex. "The parallels between the game and the current crisis... are so spooky," museum owner Alan Goldsmith told Britain's Metro newspaper. "The picture on the front of the box is so reminiscent to the disaster with the stormy seas, the oil rig and an overall sense of doom. "I was just knocked over by how relevant this game is, despite being made some 35 years ago, to BP’s troubles today." Goldsmith said the game is worth about £75 ($115). (1) This isn't the first time that something like this has happened.
Oil Spills Raise Arsenic Levels in the Ocean
ScienceDaily (July 5, 2010) — Oil spills can increase levels of toxic arsenic in the ocean, creating an additional long-term threat to the marine ecosystem, according to research published July 2 in the journal Water Research.
Oil Spill Raise Arsenic Levels in the Ocean
Oil Spill Raise Arsenic Levels in the Ocean
A Way Of Life In Peril
Here is a clip from you tube of the ongoing catastrophe, as a result of the Deepwater Horizon explosion that took place on April 20 2010. A Way Of Life In Peril. While viewing the You Tube video, pay special attention @ 6:30, 1/3 of Federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico are already closed to fishing, Revelations 8: 8-11. (verse 8) And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea; and the third part of the sea became blood. (verse 9), And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed. (verse 10) And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; (verse 11) And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters, became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. The amount of oil that has escaped, can cover each and every person in the United States in Oil, Fifteen times over. Here is a current graph of the areas affected by the BP Gulf Oil Spill, Oil Spill Crisis Map Unfortunately this problem stems back four decades ago, as a result of the oil and gas extraction on Louisiana's Gulf Coast coast.
Is The Gulf Oil Spill A Sign Of Things To Come?
The Deepwater horizon oil spill (also know as the BP oil spill), is a huge ongoing oil spill located in the Gulf of Mexico, it is the largest offshore spill in U.S. history. As of to date (is) the largest oil spill in the world with hundreds of millions of gallons that has been spilled so far. It appears the spill is a result from the April 20, 2010 Deep Horizon drilling rig explosion. An explosion that killed 11 platform workers and injured 17 others,
So far experts fear that the spill will result in an environmental disaster, with a long term impact; which is already apparent in the marine and wildlife habitats, BP Oil Slick. The BP Gulf oil spill has also damaged the Gulf Coasts fishing, tourism, way of living, their livelihood, plants, wildlife,, and to add insult to injury; their respiratory systems, ( due to Corexit, and other toxins that are being added to the water from the BP Oil Spill).
Clean up workers exposed to crude oil often suffer acute effects - stinging eyes, rashes, nausea, dizziness, headaches, coughs and other respiratory symptoms,,,
Is the BP Oil Spill, a sign of things to come? here are some interesting photos from the Earth Observatory of the oil spill in the Gulf. If you look at the pic on May 4, 2010, it looks like a horse (the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse) leaping out of the oil.
While writing this blog, I was drawn to read revelations the 8 chapter verses 1-12, and to me, this is just my opinion; the BP oil spill and revelations 8 is eerie similar, and what is most remarkable is that, the oil that is in the sea, does look like blood; mentioned in Revelations,
Revelations also mentioned that a third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter, Gulf drinking waters contaminated. It seems the Seventh Seal has been opened and the the Trumpets has been blown.!v=RzqOvScQ7WY&feature=related.!v=l7aDAh60Qyw&feature=related
So far experts fear that the spill will result in an environmental disaster, with a long term impact; which is already apparent in the marine and wildlife habitats, BP Oil Slick. The BP Gulf oil spill has also damaged the Gulf Coasts fishing, tourism, way of living, their livelihood, plants, wildlife,, and to add insult to injury; their respiratory systems, ( due to Corexit, and other toxins that are being added to the water from the BP Oil Spill).
Clean up workers exposed to crude oil often suffer acute effects - stinging eyes, rashes, nausea, dizziness, headaches, coughs and other respiratory symptoms,,,
Is the BP Oil Spill, a sign of things to come? here are some interesting photos from the Earth Observatory of the oil spill in the Gulf. If you look at the pic on May 4, 2010, it looks like a horse (the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse) leaping out of the oil.
While writing this blog, I was drawn to read revelations the 8 chapter verses 1-12, and to me, this is just my opinion; the BP oil spill and revelations 8 is eerie similar, and what is most remarkable is that, the oil that is in the sea, does look like blood; mentioned in Revelations,
Revelations also mentioned that a third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter, Gulf drinking waters contaminated. It seems the Seventh Seal has been opened and the the Trumpets has been blown.!v=RzqOvScQ7WY&feature=related.!v=l7aDAh60Qyw&feature=related
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