The Deepwater horizon oil spill (also know as the BP oil spill), is a huge ongoing oil spill located in the Gulf of Mexico, it is the largest offshore spill in U.S. history. As of to date (is) the largest oil spill in the world with hundreds of millions of gallons that has been spilled so far. It appears the spill is a result from the April 20, 2010 Deep Horizon drilling rig explosion. An explosion that killed 11 platform workers and injured 17 others,
So far experts fear that the spill will result in an environmental disaster, with a long term impact; which is already apparent in the marine and wildlife habitats, BP Oil Slick. The BP Gulf oil spill has also damaged the Gulf Coasts fishing, tourism, way of living, their livelihood, plants, wildlife,, and to add insult to injury; their respiratory systems, ( due to Corexit, and other toxins that are being added to the water from the BP Oil Spill).
Clean up workers exposed to crude oil often suffer acute effects - stinging eyes, rashes, nausea, dizziness, headaches, coughs and other respiratory symptoms,,,
Is the BP Oil Spill, a sign of things to come? here are some interesting photos from the Earth Observatory of the oil spill in the Gulf. If you look at the pic on May 4, 2010, it looks like a horse (the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse) leaping out of the oil.
While writing this blog, I was drawn to read revelations the 8 chapter verses 1-12, and to me, this is just my opinion; the BP oil spill and revelations 8 is eerie similar, and what is most remarkable is that, the oil that is in the sea, does look like blood; mentioned in Revelations,
Revelations also mentioned that a third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter, Gulf drinking waters contaminated. It seems the Seventh Seal has been opened and the the Trumpets has been blown.!v=RzqOvScQ7WY&feature=related.!v=l7aDAh60Qyw&feature=related
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